Our Team Members

Diana Dronenburg
Diana Dronenburg lives in Germantown, Md. She is 27 years old and graduated from Damascus High School. Diana has a passion for dance. When she was 5 years old, she took Ballet and Jazz at the Olney Studio of Dance and performed in many schools and venues. She learned about ZamDance through her job coach when she was a member of a special needs program called, SEEC. Diana is very happy to have joined ZamDance. She greets the parents and their children and is responsible for the administrative duties. She also helps the children with all the ZamDance movement
Danny Fitzgerald
Danny Fitzgerald is a Zamdance Instructor. Danny is 22 years old and graduated from Wootton High School in June 2023. He started participating in ZamDance class years ago and quickly fell in love. He participated in weekly classes and soon evolved into an assistant instructor. Danny, who has Down Syndrome and is on the autism spectrum, has a strong visual memory and knows all Jackie’s dance moves. He finds great joy in teaching classes and participating in any special event ZamDance is invited to. Danny lives in Rockville, Maryland with his mom and dad. He has 3 older brothers.
He is currently a participant of AccessAbility MedCare, LLC, where he works with various businesses including a vending machine business, Manna Food, a thrift shop, and an Etsy jewelry business.

Danny Fitzgerald
He is currently a participant of AccessAbility MedCare, LLC, where he works with various businesses including a vending machine business, Manna Food, a thrift shop, and an Etsy jewelry business.

Leslie Zelaya – Honorary Team Member
Leslie Zelaya is a 20-year-old high school student who joined ZamDance in August of 2016. Leslie has Cerebral Palsy. ZamDance has been a blessing for Leslie. Leslie has been more independent. She has gained physical strength and endurance. She feels very proud to be a leader of ZamDance.
Samuel Alberts
Samuel (Sam) Alberts is a Zamdance instructor, 22 years old, who graduated from Kennedy Krieger School in June 2023. He loves athletics and music, so ZamDance was an instant hit! It has become a positive strategy he also uses at home and at school to manage the daily challenges of autism, OCD, and ADHD. Sam is currently a participant in the Cura Personalis Project, located at Montgomery County’s Wheaton Stables. In this program, he practices vocational and social skills while assisting in the care of the horses and maintenance of the stables and grounds..

Samuel Alberts